Tag Archives: carpet

Day 272: 1 thumb up & 1 thumb down.




Please do not stare at this photo for too long… it’s rather gruesome. anyway. Thumbs UP for KRIS ALLEN winning freaking American Idol. Best finale of life. Thumbs up for Starbucks with Kim & showing her the maternity photos i took for her… thumbs up for my Brekkie/dindins. [eggs & coffee for dinner]… thumbs DOWN for waking up with a killer migraine… and men outside my door banging and scraping metal while installing new carpet. [thumbs up for new carpet though]… and thumbs WAYYYYYYYYYY down south for missing COLDPLAY [Chris Martin & associates] while they are playing 5 minutes from my house. I missed the show due to lack of dollars. :[ SO SAD. The only thing that consoled me, was the fact that I am seeing U2 and Muse in October!

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Day 271: Book Explosion.


book galore.

book galore.

In preparation for our new carpet…we had to move all the furniture… i emptied the bookshelves … and piled MASSIVE amounts of books in the kitchen. we have SUCH a random assortment that’s accumulated over the years… we might as well have a library!

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Day 269: Painting the walls.


painting on a rainy day.

painting on a rainy day.

We haven’t painted the living room walls since we’ve lived in this house… so my parents decided that they wanted to get them painted before we get new carpet… [which also hasn’t been redone since we’ve lived here… it’s an ugly pinkish & very old. definitely time for new carpet!]


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